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This is who we are.

We are the fund administrator of choice for a wide range of customers in the US, UK and EU. Every day, with every decision and every client interaction, our values serve as guideposts, improve the quality of our work and strengthen our employee and client relationships.

GPFS About

We are building the best culture in the business.

As a business that is all about people; culture isn’t an initiative, it’s an innate value that’s critical to every decision we make. Here at GPFS, people come first.

GPFS Carolyn

We do well and do good.

Doing the right thing—both by our team members and within the communities in which we operate—has been at the core of our beliefs, and a primary factor of our success.

GPFS Standards

We hold ourselves to higher standards.

Our people and a deeply-rooted culture of learning drives our ability to consistently deliver the highest quality work and relationships.
GPFS Tech Tool

We are driven by technology.

At the heart of our services is a group of alternative investment experts powered by an industry-leading technology platform and data analytics.
GPFS Happy

Interested in joining our team?

Let’s Discuss Your Needs & Objectives

Even if you’re exploring outsourced fund administration for the first time or making a change in providers, we would love to talk.
GP Fund Solutions

© 2014 GP Fund Solutions, LLC.
All Rights Reserved.