
About the Office
25 Wilton Road
Victoria, London SW1V 1LW
tel+44 (0)1273 443823
The London office provides a hub for relationship management and client meetings in a central location close to our clients and advisors.
- Legal name and legal form of the company : GP Fund Solutions UK Limited (English private company limited by shares)
- Registered office address: Mocatta House, Trafalgar Place, Brighton BN1 4DU
- Company number: 13372073
- GP Fund Solutions UK Limited – Supervised for compliance with the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 by His Majesty’s Revenue & Customs in the United Kingdom as a Trust Company Service Provider.
GP Fund Solutions UK Limited
London, UK

Let’s Discuss Your Needs & Objectives
Even if you’re exploring outsourced fund administration for the first time or making a change in providers, we would love to talk.